This weekend -- Labor Day -- we're coming OUT OF OUR HOUSES to protest the Jerry Lewis Pity-Thon

Click here for ideas about protesting the Telethon locally

Photo of Jerry Lewis; click to hear his message

Photo of protester with sign saying "Don't Believe the Lies of the Telethon"; click to hear activists' response

Click to hear Jerry Lewis' message to disability-rights activists
"Pity? You don't want to be pitied because you're a cripple in a wheelchair? Stay in your house!"
--Jerry Lewis, CBS Sunday Morning, May 20, 2001

Click to hear disability-rights activists' response
"People with disabilities are proud citizens, not objects of pity! We will not stay in our houses. We will protest the Jerry Lewis Telethon this Labor Day!"

To people with disabilities who want the right to LIVE INDEPENDENTLY and SPEAK FREELY, those are fighting words! Jerry Lewis thinks that pity is the ONLY appropriate response to disability, and that people with disabilities who don't want pity should stay hidden away.

This Labor Day weekend, we will NOT stay in our houses! Instead we'll be out on the streets, challenging the Telethon's false portrayal of people with disabilities.

Click on one or all of the links below to get involved in the movement AGAINST pity and bigotry, and FOR equality and dignity for people with disabilities.

Materials you can adapt and use for your local Telethon protest
*press releases

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